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Services & AMC

Services & AMC for Home Automation in UAE

Bring it Back to Life

Has your smart home system seen better days? Our “Bring it Back to Life” service is designed to revive and rejuvenate your existing home automation setup. Our expert technicians will assess your current system, identify areas that need improvement, and implement the necessary upgrades to bring it back to its former glory.

Residential Revamp

If you’re looking for a more comprehensive overhaul, our “Residential Revamp” service is tailored for you. We’ll work closely with you to understand your evolving needs and preferences, designing and implementing a state-of-the-art smart home system that meets your expectations.

Glitches Correction

Smart home systems can sometimes experience glitches or technical issues. Our “Glitches Correction” service ensures that any hiccups in your home automation setup are swiftly identified and resolved. Our skilled technicians will troubleshoot the system, making sure it runs seamlessly and efficiently.


Commercial Automation and AV Overhaul: For a complete transformation of your commercial space, our “Commercial Automation Overhaul” service is your solution. We’ll collaborate closely with you to design and implement a state-of-the-art automation system tailored to your business needs.

Maintenance and Support: Regular maintenance is crucial for the uninterrupted operation of your automation system. Our maintenance plans offer routine checkups, software updates, and priority support to ensure your system performs at its peak.

Residential and Commercial Systems -
Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC)

Maintaining an automation and AV system is crucial to ensure it performs optimally over time.
Our AMC services are designed to provide you with peace of mind by offering regular maintenance, updates, and support.

Residential and Commercial Systems - Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC)

Maintaining an automation and AV system is crucial to ensure it performs optimally over time. Our AMC services are designed to provide you with peace of mind by offering regular maintenance, updates, and support.

Regular System Check-ups: We’ll schedule routine check-ups to ensure your smart home system is operating at its best.

Software and Firmware Updates: Keeping your smart devices and system software up-to-date is essential for security and performance. We’ll take care of all necessary updates.

Priority Support: As an AMC customer, you’ll receive priority support in case of any issues or emergencies, ensuring quick resolution.

Extended Warranty: We offer extended warranty coverage for the components of your smart home system, giving you added protection.

Discounted Services: Enjoy special discounts on additional services, upgrades, or new installations.

Our goal is to make your smart home experience as seamless and hassle-free as possible. Whether you need minor corrections, a complete revamp, or ongoing maintenance, we’ve got you covered.

At Gadgeon, we are dedicated to delivering top-notch service and ensuring that your Automation and AV systems are performing at its best.

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our expert

If you’re interested in collaborating with us or simply wish to reach out, we’re eager to connect with you!

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Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and schedule a consultation.

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